
Monday, September 10, 2012

Am I alone here?!

This morning I got up to make breakfast for me and my daughter, as I flipped a pancake I said to myself "Great execution on that pancake flipping, Tamika!".. Now I am not sure if I am more embarrassed that I talk to myself when I cook or that I used the word execution. lol I know I can't be the only person who talks to themselves while they cook. So it's time to fess up out there... Do you talk to yourself while cooking? What did you say the last time you caught yourself? Be honest, share your stories and leave comments PLEASE!! XOXO


  1. Haha that's is what my next blog is about..

  2. "Please let him like this,please let him eat it.. Well I guess if he doesn't the kids will eat it."bahahahaha
    sounds mean but I don't cook a lot so I just cross my fingers when I
