
Sunday, August 5, 2012

What is your favorite local place to eat??

There is a Spanish buffet near my house.. not Spanish like tapas or Spanish like tacos but Spanish like PUERTO RICO!!! btw Latin/Spanish hardly describe anything in my book any who The food is DEEELICIOUS and I have come to the conclusion that they are making a killing at this place. The buffet costs 6 bucks and they serve foods like gizzards, liver, tripe(beef and pork) and pigs feet (stewed not pickled and they're delicious! don't judge me!!) They serve the popular things like chicken, pernil and arrozo con gandules, but the majority of their buffet is very in expensive meats cook to perfection. This just might be the secret to a restaurants success... They are really on to something. If you are every in Orlando FL stop by the Spanish buffet on Oakridge rd (so good I don't even know the name) WHATS YOUR FAVORITE LOCAL RESTAURANT?? A PLACE WHERE THE FOOD IS SO GOOD YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW THE NAME?? hmmmm

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